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Object Project: Eternal Chain
00:00 / 04:57

Object Project:


This was the first audio project I created back in October 2019. As a class, we went to the archaeological museum and each picked an object to write on. I was fascinated by this object of two heads linked by a chain. Looking closer, I saw that they were stakes to put in the floor. I thought YES I CAN WORK WITH THIS!!


I was able to experiment with sounds layering in music and background noise behind my voice.

Personal Essay
Personal Essay: Falling Asleep
00:00 / 05:53

Personal Essay:


What to talk about? What to share?


As I was walking across the quad one night, it felt like I went back in time.... that I was going back to where I lived the year before in Kitchen and was happily going to be greeted by certain people.


Then everything stopped. I remembered these people graduated. They aren't here anymore. But I'm here... and everything around me looks the same.


Feelings of attachment were coming up strong. When I got in my car, I couldn't shake it. Then a new highly charged memory came up that had the same looming, gripping, almost desperate aching feeling to it. Pulling out my phone, I recorded a lot of the content that you hear here. 



Jeremy Grace: Beyond Fear
00:00 / 07:16

Final Project:


How to cut down 4 hours of audio tape into a few minutes?


Which storyline to pick? When he almost died? The derailment of his almost NFL career?


 I began this project by interviewing Jeremy Grace. Wanting to add layers and depth, I then interviewed his mom as well as recorded his Tuesday night yoga class. This was such a fun project!!


(Starting at 5:40 is THE BEST thing ever!!!.... so if you are reading this, you can just listen to that if you aren't in it for the long haul :)



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